Social Media Comprehensive Report

The Social Media Search will provide links to each social media account found and will display the Name, Age, Gender and Photos, when available, covering 150 social media sites including, but not limited to, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. 

The Social Media Comprehensive Report is broken into several sections:

Provided Information: This section will display the primary search criteria. This criteria is used to identify and match the subject. The secondary search criteria such as Schools, Spouse, Associates, Past Addresses, etc. will not display in this section.

Subject Information: The data displayed in this section was found during the web search. Depending on the amount of your subject’s publicly available information, some of these fields may be left blank.

Images: Snapshots of your subject’s publicly available images.

Interests: Your subject’s data discovered from various sources including social media activities and users they follow. The Interests categories include:

• Artist: A musical group or singer
• Celebrity: Any well-known person, living or dead
• Show: A current or past television show
• Universe: A fictional universe
• Publisher: A content producer. Web, print, or television
• Community: An online community or platform
• Institution: An educational institution
• Game: A video or board game
• Place: A physical location
• Team: A sports team
• Nonprofit: A non-profit organization
• Event: An event or type of event
• Brand: Any brand or corporation that doesn’t fit within a better category
• Trait: A characteristic of a person
• General: A catch-all for any Interest that doesn’t fit within the aforementioned categories

Household: Data derived using many sources across the web that are from marketing research data. The field definitions are:

· Has Credit Card: Indicates whether the subject has a credit card
· Has Premium Credit Card: Indicates whether the subject has a premium credit card (e.g. AmEx Gold)
· Has Retail Card: Indicates whether the subject has a retail credit card
· High Net Worth: Indicates whether the household includes an individual with a high net worth (top 20% of households)
· Home Market Value: Value of subject’s home according to public data
· Home Owner Status: Indicates whether the subject owns or rents their home
· Home Property Type: Indicates the type of property in which the subject lives
· Household Income: Range of income for the subject’s household
· Invested Assets: Indicates whether the subject has invested assets
· Length of Residence: Duration of time the subject has lived at current address
· Marital Status: The marital status of the subject
· Net Worth: Indicates the net worth of the household
· Spending Score: Indicates the subject’s level of discretionary spending (1-10, low to high)
· Super High Net Worth: Indicates whether the household has a super high net worth (super high = top 10% of households)

Related URLs: Links to URLs believed to be your subject’s social media sites.

Hits: Links to all discovered data ranked by Rating Relevance. The higher the rank, the more likely the hit pertains directly to your subject. The Rating Matched By column describes which input criteria was used to determine a match. The Hits categories are defined around domain patterns and content of the webpage to help create buckets of classifications. The following are the included categories: Blogging and Forums, Social Network Profiles, News and Media, Micro-Blogging, Picture or Video Sharing, Online Commerce, and Other.


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